*student co-author; ¥shared senior authorship (when not first or last author)
57. Beeby N, Mancini AN, Baden AL. 2024. Ruffed lemurs on the edge: Recolonization of Varecia variegata in a disturbed forest. Lemur News, 24: 6-7.
56. Batist CH*, Dufourq E, Jeantet L, Razafindraibe MN*, Randriamanantena F, Baden AL. 2024. An integrated passive acoustic monitoring and deep learning pipeline for black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology, e23599.
55. Beeby N*, Baden AL, Higham JP. 2023. Urinary C-peptide and total triiodothyronine as energetic biomarkers for studies of lemurs. American Journal of Primatology, e23563.
54. Batist CH*, Razafindraibe MN*, Randriamanantena F, Baden AL. Bioacoustic characterization of the black‐and‐white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) vocal repertoire. Primates.
53. Randrianjaka S*, Calkins S*, Sefczek TM, Frasier CL, Randriamampionona R, Rakotoniaina JC, de Roland LR, Baden AL¥, Louis EE Jr¥. 2023. Assessment of ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) populations in south-western Madagascar. Oryx, 1-3.
52. Mancini AN*, Chandrashekar A*, Lahitsara JP, Ogbeta DG*, Rajaonarivel JA, Ranaivorazo NR, Rasoazanakolona J, Safwat M*, Solo J, Razafindraibe JG, Razafindrakoto G, Baden AL. 2023. Terrain ruggedness and canopy height predict short-range dispersal in the Critically Endangered black-and-white ruffed lemur. MDPI Genes.14, 746.
51. Beeby N*, Rothman JM, Baden AL. 2023. Nutrient balancing in a fruit-specialist primate, the black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata). American Journal of Primatology, 85(6), e23484.
50. Tecot SR, Birr M*, Dixon J*, Lahitsara JP, Razafindraibe D, Razanajatovo S*, Sánchez Arroyo A*, Tombotiana AV, Velontsara JB, Baden AL. 2023. Functional relationships between estradiol and paternal care in male red-bellied lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer). Hormones and Behavior 150: 105324.
49. Vasey N, Baden AL, Ratsimbazafy J. 2022. Varecia, ruffed or variegated lemurs, varikandana, varijatsy. In: Goodman, S. M. (ed.) A New Natural History of Madagascar. Princeton, Princeton University Press. pp. 1957-1963.
48. Eppley T, …Baden AL…et al. 2022. Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(42), e2121105119.
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47. Batist CH*, Razafindraibe MN*, Randriamanantena F, Baden AL. 2022. Factors affecting call usage in wild black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) at Mangevo, Ranomafana National Park. Primates 63: 79-91.
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46. Junge RE, Baden AL. 2021. Health assessment of black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 52: 1095-1104.
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45. McManus N*, Holmes SM, Louis EE Jr, Johnson SE, Baden AL¥, Amato KR¥. 2021. The gut microbiome as an indicator of habitat disturbance in a Critically Endangered lemur. BMC Ecology and Evolution 21:222.
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44. Raboin DL*, Baden AL, Rothman JM. 2021. Maternal feeding benefits of allomaternal care in black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza). American Journal of Primatology, e23327.
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43. Stead SM*, Bădescu I, Raboin D*, Sicotte P, Rothman JM, Baden AL, Teichroeb JA. 2021. High levels of infant handling by adult males in Rwenzori Angolan colobus (Colobus angolensis ruwenzorii) compared to two closely related species, C. guereza and C. vellerosus. Primates, 1-10.
42. Westphal D*, Mancini AN*, Baden AL. 2021. Primates landscape genetics: A review and practical guide. Evolutionary Anthropology.
41. Amato KR, Chaves OM, Mallott EK, Eppley TM, Abreu F, Baden AL, Barnett AA, Bicca-Marques JC, Boyle S, Chapman CA, Lopes KGD, Fan P, Fashing P, Felton A, Fontes IP, Fruth B, de la Fuente MFC, Fortes V, Grueter CC, Hohmann G, Irwin M, Matthews J, Mekonnen A, Ostner J, Nguyen N, Piel A, Pinacho-Guendulain B, Aredes EPQ, Razanaparany T, Rothman JM, Schiel N, Schuelke O, Shanee S, Souto A, Souza-Alves JP, Tecot S, Stewart F, Stone A, Sun B, Valenta K, Vogel E, Wich S, Zeng Y. 2021. Occurrence of fermented food consumption in wild nonhuman primates and its ecological drivers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
40. Beeby N*, Baden AL. 2021. Variability and seasonality in the diet and feeding ecology of black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) in Ranomafana National Park, southeastern Madagascar. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
39. Baden AL, Oliveras JR*, Gerber BD. 2021. Sex-segregated range use by black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Folia Primatologica 9,12 - 34.
38. Louis EE, Sefczek TM, Raharivololona B, King T, Morelli TL, Baden AL. 2020. Varecia variegata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T22918A115574178.
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37. Chandrashekar A*, Kneirim J*, Khan S*, Raboin DL*, Venkatesh S*, Clarke TA, Couzzo F, LaFleur M, Lawler R, Parga J, Reuter K, Sauther M, Hantainirina RR, Baden AL. 2020. Genetic population structure of endangered ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) from nine sites in southern Madagascar. Ecology and Evolution 10, 8030–8043.
36. Baden AL, Webster TH, Bradley BJ. 2020. Genetic relatedness cannot explain social preferences in black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata). Animal Behaviour 164, 73-82.
35. Morelli TL, Smith AB, Mancini AN*, Balko EA, Borgerson C, Dolch R, Farris Z, Federman S, Holmes S, Irwin M, Jacobs RL, Johnson SE, King T, Lehman S, Louis EE Jr., Murphy A*, Ratolojanahary TH, Ratsimbazafy J, Razafindratsima O, Baden AL. 2020. The fate of Madagascar’s rainforest habitat. Nature Climate Change 10, 89-96.
34. Mann AE, Florent F, Lemay M, Morien E, Kowalewski M, Di Fiore A, Link A, Goldberg TL, Tecot S, Baden AL, Gomez A, Sauther ML, Cuozzo F, Britton GAO, Dominy NJ, Stumpf R, Lewis RJ, Swedell L, Amato K, Wegener Parfrey L. 2019. Biodiversity of protists and nematodes in the wild non-human primate gut microbiome. The ISME Journal.
33. Baden AL, Mancini AN*, Federman SF, Holmes SM, Johnson SE, Kamilar JM, Louis EE Jr, Bradley BJ. 2019. Anthropogenic pressures explain population genetic structure in a Critically Endangered moist forest specialist, Varecia variegata. Nature Scientific Reports.
32. Semel B*, Baden AL, Salisbury R, McGee E, Wright PC, Arrigo-Nelson SA. 2019. Assessing the function of geophagy in a Malagasy rainforest lemur. Biotropica.
31. Baden AL. 2019. A description of nesting behaviors, including factors impacting nest site selection, in black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata). Ecology and Evolution.
30. Zohdy S, Durden LA, Baden AL. 2019. Ectoparasitism in black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) in southeastern Madagascar. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.
29. Vagell R*, Vagell VJ, Jacobs AL, Gordon J, Baden AL. 2018. SMARTA: Subject-mediated automatic remote testing apparatus (SMARTA) for discrimination tasks. Behavior Research Methods.
28. Amato KR, Sanders J, Song SJ, Nute M, Metcalf JL, Thompson L, Morton J, Amir A, McKenzie V, Humphrey G, Gogul G, Gaffney J, Baden AL, Britton J, Cuozzo F, Di Fiore A, Dominy N, Goldberg T, Gomez A, Kowalewski M, Lewis R, Link A, Sauther M, Tecot SR, White B, Nelson K, StumpfR, Knight R, Leigh S. In press. Evolutionary trends in host physiology outweigh dietary niche in structuring primate gut microbiomes. The ISME Journal.
27. Tecot SR, Baden AL. 2018. Profiling caregivers: hormonal variation underlying allomaternal care in wild red-bellied lemurs. Physiology and Behavior
26. Crowley BE, Slater PA, Arrigo-Nelson SJ, Baden AL, Karpanty SM. 2017. Strontium isotopes are consistent with low-elevation foraging limits for Henst’s goshawk. Wildlife Society Bulletin
DOI: 10.1002/wsb.840
25. Raulo A*, Ruokolainen L, Hanski I, Lane A*, Amato K, Knight R, Leigh S, Stumpf R, White B, Nelson K, Baden AL¥, Tecot SR¥. 2017. Social behavior and gut microbiota in red-bellied lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer): In search of the role of immunity in the evolution of sociality. Journal of Animal Ecology
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12781
24. Jacobs RL, MacFie TS, Spriggs AN*, Baden AL, Morelli TL, Irwin MT, Lawler RR, Kappeler PM, Wright PC, Louis Jr EE, Mundy NI, Bradley BJ. 2017. Novel opsin gene variation in large-bodied, diurnal lemurs. Biology Letters 13: 20170050
23. Crouse D*, Jacobs RL, Richardson Z*, Klum S*, Jain A, Baden AL, Tecot SR. 2017. LemurFaceID: A face recognition system to facilitate lemur conservation. BMC Zoology 2:2.
DOI 10.1186/s40850-016-0011-9
22. Federman S*, Sinnott-Armstrong M*, Baden AL, Chapman CA, Daly D, Richard AF, Valenta K, Donoghue M. 2017. The paucity of frugivores in Madagascar may not be due to unpredictable temperatures or fruit resources. PLoS One 12(1): e0168943.
21. Fleagle JG, Gilbert CC, Baden AL. 2016. Comparing primate crania: the importance of fossils. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
20. Jacobs RL, Spriggs A*, MacFie TS, Baden AL, Irwin MT, Wright PC, Louis EE Jr, Lawler RR, Mundy NI, Bradley BJ. 2016. Primate genotyping via High Resolution Melt Analysis (HRMA): rapid and reliable identification of color vision status in wild lemurs. Primates
doi: 10.1007/s10329-016-0546-y
19. Federman S*, Dornburg A*, Daly DC, Downie A, Yoder AD, Sargis EJ, Perry GH, Donoghue MJ, Richard A, Baden AL¥. 2016. Implications of lemuriform extinctions for Malagasy flora. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
18. Deppe A, Baden AL, Wright PC. 2016. The effects of the lunar cycle, temperature, and rainfall on the trapping success of wild brown mouse lemurs (Microcebus rufus) in Ranomafana National Park, southeastern Madagascar. In: Lehman S, Radespiel E, and Zimmermann E, editors. Dwarf and Mouse Lemurs of Madagascar: Biology, Behavior, and Conservation Biogeography of the Cheirogaleidae.
17. Mundy NI, Morningstar NC*, Baden AL, Fernandez-Duque E, Dávalos V*, Bradley BJ. 2016. Can colour vision re-evolve? Variation in the X-linked opsin locus of cathemeral Azara’s owl monkeys (Aotus azarae azarae). Frontiers in Zoology 13:9.
doi: 10.1186/s12983-016-0139-z.
16. Baden AL, Webster TH, Kamilar JM. 2016. Resource seasonality and reproduction predict fission-fusion dynamics in a Malagasy strepsirrhine, Varecia variegata. American Journal of Primatology.
15. Tecot SR, Baden AL. 2015. Allomaternal care in primates. In: Scott RA, Kosslyn SM, Eds. Emerging Trends in Behavioral and Social Sciences. Hoboken: WIley Blackwell.
14. Kamilar KM, Baden AL. 2014. What drives flexibility in primate social organization? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
13. Baden AL, Holmes SM, Johnson SE, Engberg SE, Louis EE Jr, Bradley BJ. 2014. Species-level view of population structure and gene flow for a critically endangered primate (Varecia variegata). Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1002/ece3.1119
12. Baden AL, Wright PC, Louis EE Jr, Bradley BJ. 2013. Communal nesting, kinship, and maternal success in a social primate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 1939-1950.
11. Holmes SM, Baden AL, Brenneman RA, Engberg SE, Louis EE Jr, Johnson SE. 2013. Patch size and isolation influence genetic patterns in black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) populations. Conservation Genetics 14: 615:624.
10. Balko EA, Baden AL. 2013. Entries Varecia variegata, V.v. editorum, V.v. subcincta, V.v. variegata. In: Rowe N, Myers M, eds. All The World's Lemurs, Lorises, Bushbabies, and Pottos: The Primate Suborder Strepsirhini. Charlestown, RI: Primate Conservation, Inc.
9. Baden AL. 2013. Entries for Avahi cleesi, Avahi occidentalis, Avahi unicolor, Indri indri, Propithecus coquereli. In: Rowe N, Myers M, eds. All The World's Lemurs, Lorises, Bushbabies, and Pottos: The Primate Suborder Strepsirhini. Charlestown, RI: Primate Conservation, Inc.
8. Tecot SR¥, Baden AL¥, Romine N, Kamilar J. 2013. Reproductive strategies and infant care in Malagasy primates. In: Clancy K, Hinde K, Rutherford J, Eds. Building Babies: Primate Developmental Trajectories in Proximate and Ultimate Perspectives. Springer Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects Book Series. New York: Springer, pp. 321-359.
7. Tecot SR¥, Baden AL¥, Romine N, Kamilar J. 2012. Infant parking and nesting, not allomaternal care, influence Malagasy primate life histories. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1375-1386.
6. Wright PC, Ehart EA, Tecot SR, Baden AL, Arrigo-Nelson S, Herrera J, Morelli TL, Blanco M, Deppe A, Atsalis S, Johnson SE, Tan C, Zhody S. Long-term research at Centre ValBio, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. In: Kappeler PM, Watts D, Eds. Long-Term Research in Primates. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 67-100.
5. Wright PC, Tecot SR, Ehart EM, Baden AL, King SJ, Grassi C. 2011. The role of lemur in maintaining Madgascar ecosystems: implications for forest composition. American Journal of Primatology 73: 1-18.
4. Fleagle JG, Gilbert CC, Baden AL. 2010. Primate cranial diversity. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 565-578.
3. Ross CF, Baden AL, Georgi J, Herrell A, Metzger J, Reed D, Schaerlaecken V, Wolff M. 2010. Chewing variation in lepidosaurs and primates. Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 572-584.
2. Baden AL, Brenneman RA, Louis EE Jr. 2008. Morphometrics of wild black-and-white ruffed lemurs [Varecia
variegata, Kerr 1972]. American Journal of Primatology 70: 13-926.
1. Wright PC, King SJ, Baden AL, Jernvall J. 2008. Aging in wild female lemurs: sustained fertility with increased infant mortality. In: Atsalis S, Marguilis S, Hop PR, Eds. Reproductive Aging in Primates. Basel: Karger Press, Inc., vol 36, pp. 17-28.