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Researchers working in the Hunter College Primate Molecular Ecology Laboratory (PMEL) are investigating diverse aspects of primate behavioral ecology, evolution, and conservation using an integrative field & lab-based approach.

PMEL is operated through the Department of Anthropology at Hunter College of the City University of New York (CUNY). The lab is located in Hunter North room 905.
Instruments in the lab include a fully automated QIAcube sample prep system, a Rotor Gene-Q quantitative PCR machine, as well as the typical array of general lab equipment including thermocyclers, centrifuges, incubators, etc. The lab is certified Biosafety Level II which enables us to work safely with material of primate origin (blood, tissue, feces, etc.).
We also maintain both Mac and PC desktops with licenses for GeneMarker® genotype analysis software, Geneious bioinformatics software, and Esri ArcGIS10.4.
We are not a fee-for-service lab, but we are happy to consider collaborative projects. We are also happy to share published data that are featured in our papers. Please contact Dr. Andrea Baden for more information.
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