Are you based in the northeastern United States and interested in primate behavior, ecology, genetics, morphology, or evolution? Please join us at our next annual meeting of the Northeastern Evolutionary Primatologists (NEEP)! You can find detailed information at our website:

Institute for the Conservation of Tropical Environments
"ICTE is a non-profit organization which helps researchers, students, and volunteers conduct research in Madagascar."
"Hands-on science to sustain Madagascar's resources and people."
"MNP assures the conservation and the lasting and rational management of the national network of the national parks and reserves of Madagascar."
American Association of Primatologists
International Primatological Society
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
Society for Conservation Biology
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Typically, I have several projects going on at once. We are always accepting volunteers, so please contact me for more information!
Looking for other experiences? Check out this site for a well-maintained list of volunteer, field school, research, internship, and job opportunities.

An NGO promoting research, conservation, and sustainable development at Tsinjoarivo, eastern Madagascar. "We seek to develop novel and innovative ways to promote the coexistence of people and wildlife at Tsinjoarivo, and elsewhere where humans and wildlife come into conflict."
"The mission of SIMPONA is to protect and research silky sifakas and their habitat while engaging local communities as partners." Concentrated efforts in and around Marojejy National Park and the Makira Natural Park, northeastern Madagascar.
Conservation Through Poverty Alleviation International
"CPALI protects nature through working with local people. We introduce farmers who have been economically displaced from parks and protected areas to new ways of earning income that invests them in habitat protection and helps them develop their own sustainable enterprise."
"We believe that planting trees to compensate human ecological print is an easy simple non expensive way to take action...we hope to plant close to 1 million trees from 2011."

Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership
"We understand that science alone cannot be the only component to conservation of the island’s biodiversity…MBP works with Malagasy graduate students, the country's next leaders and conservation heroes. An important component of this is technology transfer, including field research methods, molecular genetics technology, manuscript development, grant writing, and project management.
"Conservation Fusion engages kids in education about the unique plants and animals who they share a home with creating awareness and understanding, and ultimately responsible action as future conservation leaders."
"MAF is a not-for-profit fund for the education and health care of Malagasy children. Its goal is to build schools and clinics in remote areas of the island." MAF builds schools and provides dental care, and is now working with Build Africa Schools.
Inspiring love for lemurs. Advancing knowledge and supporting action so Madagascar’s wildlife and people thrive.